Here's my desired setup:
object in front of mask 01
object in front of mask 02
object in front of mask 03
object in mask 01
object in mask 02
object in mask 03
object1 below mask 01
object1 below mask 02
object1 below mask 03
My problem is: I can't place the objects in front of the clipping mask. They stay inside, and I can't show them "in front of".
I want to clip all the other objects, just not this specific one.
Am I doing something wrong?
To illustrate: It's the black egg with an eye, and I want it to be able to appear, point at something like in this picture, and disappear behind the mask again.

For anyone wondering, for now, I went with the skankiest hack I could think of: I just duplicated the limbs I wanted to show "in front", constrained them to the original, and have both the clipped and the duplicates visible at the same time when appropriate.
I feel a little dirty. But hey. I had deadline 😉