I am making customasable player for rpg. So armors, races, weapons, haircuts etc. All is stored in one large rig with skins and optional attachments. I am not sure when exactly it became so slow, but now it takes 25 minutes to pack all the stuff. Is it really intended so? I have updated Spine from pretty old version to last (3.8.84) recently and atlas packing seems to be much slower then before (but i am not sure). Braking workflow for that long becames really annoying.
1) Is it normal, that it takes so much time? 7 atlases 2048x2048 ( My PC is i5-4690k, 16RAM, GTX960 if it somehow matters)
2) Any workaround? Of course i am using Fast-checkbox, here are my atlas packing settings:
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P.S. Just in case, so a typical atlas page looks like now:
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3) Just curious: Why could it be THAT slow? Task of placing 700 rotated rects tightly packed of course requires some CPU time, but 25 minutes...?
4) Is any max limit on atlasses? I am exporting as JSON into Unity. And everytime i am a little bit afraid after adding few more sprites the whole rig will not work anymore.
5) Is Spine a java-programm? Maybe it just needs more RAM with -xmx12gb or like this?