Hello! When you import your step1 Json in your step1 Spine file, you'll see it is also not matching the position. This means you changed the position of the images in setup pose when you created the bones. This is due to an imprecise IK creation. If you delete the IK, you'll see the images match again.
Luckily, this is easy to fix: to create a prefectly centered IK target that won't make your bones move do as follows:
- Select the forearm bone
- Make sure that the
axis is selected
- In the properties panel, hit
. This will create a bone exactly at the tip of the parent bone.
- Reparent the new bone so that it's not a direct child of the two bones you wish to constraint. (for example, parent it to the root bone)
- Create the IK constraint! 😃
From here importing new skins should run smoothly!
Regarding your second question: Meshes - Spine User Guide: Linked meshes
To create a linked mesh, click the blue linked mesh button in the mesh properties below the tree:
Loading Image