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Unreal doesn't see .skel and .atlas
I'm an artist and I'm new in Unreal. I'm trying to Install spine-ue4 Runtime but it doesn't work. I'm following this documentation spine-ue4 Runtime Documentation.
- Create an empty project
Download the latest version as a ZIP - Create subfolder Plugins and move there the necessary folders.
- Export from Spine in a Binary format
- Inside Unreal push the import button and choose the location. There are no files .skel and .atlas only png image :tear:
What did I miss?
I use Unreal 4.24 but I have tried on the previous version too.
Spine 3.8.84
Please make sure you create a C++ UE4 project. A blue-print only project will not work I'm afraid.
Hi! Thanks for the answer but it still doesn't work...
Obviously, your plugin is misplaced. You need to put the plugin in the project root directory. like this:
After the addition is complete, if your engine version and the plug-in binary version are inconsistent. You also need to regenerate the VS solution and open the Sln file to recompile the Spine plugin.
After opening VS, make sure you can see the following directories
Then compile
Upon completion, your Spine plugin will work normally.
Unreal 4.24 : There are lots of errors! I'm not a programmer so I don't understand how to fix them. :scared:
I did all of this with Unreal 4.23 and Spine runtimes 3.7 and it finally works!) Thank you! :grinteeth:
I assume Spine runtime doesn't support the Unreal 4.24 version, does it? :sucks:
After testing, I found that version 3.8 is compatible with version 4.24, and there is no error message.
I provide a test video here for your reference.
unreal_netfly, thanks for all your help! :cooldoge:
Nate लिखाunreal_netfly, thanks for all your help! :cooldoge:
:dizzy: Haha,I'm happy to help.
unreal_netfly, I really appreciate your video tutorial! It's really awesome! 8)
I was following all those steps and finally, I have the same result.
But the pitty is that I can't repeat this success with any new project which I create by myself. I have all those red errors in the PrintScreen above! I just can't make out the difference between a new project and the example SpineUE4 project...Why does the example compile and a new project doesn't?
I've even reinstalled Unreal...in vain.
I assume this issue belongs to Unreal, not Sine-runtime, doesn't it? With Unreal 4.23 all goes ok. :think:
hi, sorry I didn't upgrade my engine version before. I used 4.24.2. After upgrading 4.24.3, I found the same error. My own project does not use the official plugin. The version I use is customized by myself, so there is no such problem. I will report this error to the official developers.
unreal_netfly, thanks!
Sorry for this taking so long. It looks like 4.24 introduced new UBT build settings. For our spine-ue4 example, this didn't trigger any errors. It only triggered errors for newly generated UE4 code projects that you include our spine-ue4 plugin with. I've fixed up the spine-ue4 plugin in both our 3.8 and 3.9-beta runtime branches. Please pull in the latest changes and copy the files over to your UE4 project.