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Connect a path on both ends
Hello fellow spine animators
I have a character with a gun that's connected through a tube to an ammo tank on her back.
How would you go about rigging it?
Is there any way to connect both ends of this tube to the gun and the tank so it could be easily animated?
or is it maybe related to the way i export the images from photoshop?
Thanks for your help!
Shachar :grinteeth:
Path vertices can be weighted to bones. It's easy to weight the start vertices to something and the end vertices to something, but you'll need to solve how you want the middle vertex to move. You could have a bone just to weight the middle vertex too, maybe use a transform constraint to keep the bone between other bones, and probably animate the bone translation as needed. The last transform constraint demo shows keeping a bone between two other bones:
Spine: Demos: Transform constraints
Oooh awesome!
i didn't know you can bind path vertices to bones!
thanks a lot Nate