为了将使用Spine v3.8导出的json导入v3.7,您需要使用JsonRollback工具。
2.从此页面下载Skeleton Viewer的测试版:http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-skeleton-viewer(应该是这个链接:http://esotericsoftware.com/files/skeletonViewer-beta.jar)
java -cp "skeletonViewer-beta.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "the-file-to-convert.json" "3.7" "the-file-destination.json"
java -cp "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\skeletonViewer-beta.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\spinefile.json" "3.7" "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\3.7\spinefile.json"
Original English:
Alright, I was hoping the backups would have been enough!
Let's go in detail with the other solution:
In order to import a json exported with Spine v3.8 into v3.7 you will need to use the JsonRollback tool.
Export a json with "Nonessential data" checked in the export settings, otherwise the mesh information might be lost.
Download the beta version of Skeleton Viewer from this page: Skeleton Viewer (it should be this link: http://esotericsoftware.com/files/skeletonViewer-beta.jar )
Make sure to have java installed and up to date: http://www.java.com/
Copy skeletonViewer-beta.jar in the folder where you saved the json exports
Launch the command line, then type this command, structured as follows:
java -cp "skeletonViewer-beta.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "the-file-to-convert.json" "3.7" "the-file-destination.json"
For example, in my case I launched this command:
java -cp "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\skeletonViewer-beta.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\spinefile.json" "3.7" "C:\Users\Erikari\Desktop\json\3.7\spinefile.json"
(you can also save this text in a file and rename it with a .bat extension, then double click it to execute it)
- downgrade Spine to v3.7 and import the generated json