Hello Ush! Welcome on the Spine forum 😃
You normally can't limit a bone rotation angle, and usually, don't really need to do it.
For example, if a shoulder shouldn't go past a certain angle, you just never key it to go past that amount and that is usually enough.
But if you must make sure it doesn't go past a certain angle, because perhaps the arm is constrained to a setup, you can achieve something similar with a transform constraint that mimicks another bone that can do the full rotation.
Perhaps pointing to an ik target.
I don't really recommend to use this setup if it's not absolutely necessary for a particular setup that needs to be manipulated at runtime. You'll see that having the freedom to move and break the bones position to fit your needs can result in better animations, even if they don't respect the skeleton you originally made completely.
By the way, if you need tips to create a good setup for shoulders, muscles, and similar, here are some useful links:
Spine: Tips: 4 shoulder
Spine: Tips: 1 muscles
Mix and Match example: Red cape