I am trying to make different body types using single skeleton. It could work, but i have a problem with different shoulder width. Is it possible somehow slightliy change position of shoulders for different skins (in editor)? Any trick with parenting/unparenting?
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Of course i could change positions of bones according to skin from custom script using runtimes, but it is a little bit overcomplexing for this task and it would be great to make it all inside of editor.
Could Transform constraints work? Unfortunately i am using mesh body 3d z-rotation animations and it would be great to be able to animate transform of shoulders. And then i need to make two (or more) variants of each animation with keying/unkeying transform constraints for each shoulder width.
And more general: my final goal is not just to move bones according to skin, but somehow to achive different body types on single skeleton (to cut the amount of manual work). May be it could be achieved somehow in a different way?