We were having problems all of the sudden with our Sprite Atlas missing when we exported and from the patch notes it looks like things changed on that front so we did an update. We are now using spine 3.7.
The problem we are facing is now our SpriteAttacher (we have been using that now 'legacy' component for 4 years now) is seeming to break on us. I never really understood its magical powers and with the type of break its having with some textures I am even less sure of what's going on.
For example, some sprites I now pass are now somehow null and come out as a grey box and come out with an error [Graphics.CopyTexture can only copy between same texture format groups (d3d11 base formats: src=76 dst=27)

My question is multifacted as you might have an optimal suggestion based on what I am asking so feel free to answer only the one you think I should do.
Given I never really understood sprite attacher and its a critical aspect of our game what would you suggest I do from the following options
- Learn how to make my own from scratch? (How long would this take and are there some resources you could direct me to to learn about graphics and pixel editing and the tie ins with Spine)
- Is there another more modern way of attaching sprites in Spine I am not aware of that you could direct me towards?
- Should I just try to fix the legacy SpriteAttacher issues?
- Could you be bribed (hired) to make a more modern SpriteAttacher and what would the cost be?
Thank you for your continued work on this plugin. It is the lifeblood of our (hopefully eventually) to be released game.