I'm basically following the example given here:
spine-runtimes/index.html at 3.6
My concern is related to the lines 57 - 67. How does the spine runtime know how to load the .png file, if we only specify that we load the atlas?
Also I'm trying to find a way where I can instantiate a skeleton by passing in each of the three files (.png, .atlas, .json) manually, instead of using weird and vague shortcuts. This is because I plan to have static assets (spine related) all served to the user. I have read a question similar in nature to mine: spine-canvas question (preloaded files);
However, I'm not so sure how to approach that either.
So given all this, is it possible that if we have references to each of the three files (.png, .atlas, .json), could we instantiate a skeleton?
e.g: Something among the lines of:
var Png = get from somewhere
var Atlas = get from somewhere
var Json = get from somewhere
var Skeleton = new Spine.Skeleton(Png, Atlas, Json)
Thank you
Nevermind, figured that I'd just load the files from the server directly as this is more easier and has less headache (especially given that serving static files with Webpack can be a pain)