Just wondering about this. I'm looking at alternative solutions to tile-based ones. I thought about Flash-based games and that some of these games that feature top-level maps may not be using tiles, but direct graphic placements. Specifically what come to mind is the flash game Divine Arms (18+).
I was wondering about the feasibility of using Spine to draw the base map and the different layers (the grouping of the different Spine parts will be done in the game engine) For example:
Under the game engine's Group, we'll have:
Layer 5: Graphics - Clippable Ceilings and Foliage (ex: Tree foliage)
Layer 4: Graphics - Obstacles (ex: walls, tree trunks...)
Layer 3: Invisible borders to determine where the player can walk (maybe a bitmap graphic mask or something)
Layer 2: Graphics - Player and Enemies
Layer 1: Base floor
Layer 0 (Bottom): BG
So if let's say I get to draw this, is there a significant performance overhead that Spine will take up? Here's my experience with moving around an animating Spine object's game group in Phaser - Since I worked with pretty large graphics with multiple underlying layers (1500 x 1500px), in the PC moving around this group on the screen doesn't stutter, only on mobile. But if I'm going to rely on this, I think I'll be using smaller graphic dimensions to keep everything small.
What do you guys think?